Exhibition Center

1. Expo venue advertising
The Genera Assembly to provide glass curtain wals, outdor analysis of the frame- the coridor hanging flas and other venue advertising, Please consult the Conference Executive Committee for advertising location ilustrations, specifications and charges and other specific information. Executive Commite will provide you witthe venue advertising programme.

2. Advertising in the Exhibition Journal(Electronic Version)

Second cover/Front page: 6000 USD / page
Colour page: 2000 USD / page
Back cover: 10000 USD /page
Third cover: 4000 USD / page
Note" The ayout specification of the Journalis 140mm  210mm, resolution 300DP1, please submit the manuscript to the Conference 0rganising Commitebefore Aug.15,2025.

3. Concurrent Events
1000 USD / hour, 2000 USD / half day
he Expo encourages participating companies to hold concurent activities such as new product launches, new technology promotion, small receptions, etc. Theorganisers wil provide activity venues exhibition halls) for exhibitors and provide lED screens,sound. podium tables and chairs, drinking water and other stufis,owhich the first release of the company s new products and new technologies will be released free of charge. The content of the meeting willbe aranged by thecompanies themselvesand the participants will be invited and organised by the exhibitors themselves, and the Conference Executive Commite can providesupport and promotion, lf reguired, please contact the Conference Executive Committee in advance.

4. Exhibit Fee
Luxury Standard:2000 USD /9m2
Indoor bare ground: 200 USD / square metre